Update On Church Meetings

Our members and regular attenders were notified through email that we have had a rise in COVID cases in our church in the last week along with exposure at two different small group meetings. This coincides with a holiday surge that is happening throughout the globe.

In response to these developments, Pastor Eric provided updates last Sunday regarding our upcoming meetings:

  1. We plan to host our outdoor Christmas Eve service. Right now rain is in the forecast. If it is going to rain, we will cancel the service rather than moving indoors. The pastoral team will make a decision on Thursday and notify everyone as soon as possible.

  2. We plan to continue hosting outdoor services every Sunday. Currently, there is a mask mandate in California for indoor public places. Please wear a mask if you need to go inside the building.

  3. Children’s Ministry is canceled for the month of January with a plan to resume the first Sunday of February. Our volunteers will provide activities for your children each week until we begin offering it again.

  4. We plan to continue hosting our outdoor prayer meetings. Our next prayer meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 12/28 at 7:00pm in Old Towne Orange.

  5. We plan to keep holding small group meetings. We will work with each small group leader to determine any necessary changes to their meetings which could include moving outdoors or onto Zoom temporarily.

  6. If you are experiencing symptoms of illness or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please stay home. Review and follow our COVID-19 Positive Test and Exposure Policy.

We know changes like these are difficult. We know everyone is wearied by the disruptions that COVID-19 continues to cause. If you’re having difficulty with the pandemic our pastors are available to counsel and care for you. We want to lead you to trust in God and cast all your cares upon Him. Contact a member of the pastoral team if you need help or have questions.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:6-7

Church Staff