Micah's Testimony

On Sunday we heard from Micah, a young man in our church. He’s been participating in a class called “Understanding the Times” that aims to ground young believers in their Christian worldview. Read Micah’s testimony in his own words below.

Good morning church! It’s great to be able to share what God has been doing in my life with you all. Today, I’ll be talking to you about a subject I’m all too familiar with: school.

The class I’m taking is a worldview class that focuses on 6 popular Western worldviews including: Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Marxism, Postmodernism, and New Spirituality which my class and I are going through this week. It is taught in Louisville, Kentucky with about 12 in-person students and 6 students participating from Zoom, including myself.

My parents and I found out about this class through the church blog. My first reaction when I heard about it was thinking that it would just be extra work I have to do. I wasn’t very excited, but I decided with my parents that I would take the class. Honestly, since starting the class, I haven’t been burdened by the work I have to do each week, but instead grew to enjoy the class.

This class, so far, has helped me see things differently about the world, it’s helped me engage in conversations about complex subjects with people that I would usually shy away from, and it’s also even helped me understand better what Christianity teaches. I noticed in a game, just recently, that it is based off New Spirituality and its beliefs. I would have never noticed that before this class. Eventually, I even shared this with friends that I play the game with, and they were surprised about this observation.

Although I know that not everyone is going to think exactly like I think, this class really opened my eyes to the different ways people think and behave. I’m not even halfway done with this class yet and I’ve learned so much from what God has shown me, and I know that God will help me to continue growing in the faith.

I would encourage you all to learn about these different worldviews and religions because the time is going to come when you will need to defend yourself and your faith from opposition and it is better to be prepared than unequipped.  

Let me finish by encouraging you with 1 Peter 3:15:

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

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