A New Song This Sunday

Singing the 5 Solas

This Sunday we’re introducing a new song to prepare us for Reformation Day. Check out the lyrics and listen to the song by clicking on the picture above or the link below. We can’t wait to sing with you on Sunday!

Listen to Reformation Song


Verse 1
Your Word alone is solid ground
The mighty rock on which we build
In every line the truth is found
And every page with glory filled

Verse 2
Through faith alone we come to You
We have no merit we can claim
Sure that Your promises are true
We place our hope in Jesus’ name

Gloria, gloria, glory to God alone!
Gloria, gloria, glory to God alone!

Verse 3
In Christ alone we’re justified
His righteousness is all our plea
Your law’s demands are satisfied
His perfect work has set us free

Verse 4
By grace alone we have been saved
All that we are has come from You
Hearts that were once by sin enslaved
Now by Your pow’r have been made new!
Now by Your pow’r have been made new!

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