Let's Talk Politics


Not Appropriate for Polite Conversation

Politics is the topic for Summer School this upcoming Tuesday, August 8th. The Zoom call starts at 7:30pm. We’ve titled this class, “Politics: Matters of Wisdom, Conscience and Love.”

To whet your appetite, check out the following quotes from How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?:

“The gospel does not automatically resolve all our wisdom-based political judgments in the here and now. It helps us love and forbear with one another amid those different wisdom-based judgments. It creates unity amid diversity, not uniformity.”

“Just think about the epistles. They are not primarily tracts on how to do justice outside of the church. They are primarily tracts on living justly and righteously inside the church. Our political engagement outside should flow out of our justice- and righteousness-seeking lives inside. Jesus, Paul, and the rest of the apostles could have spent a lot of time talking about Caesar and the political world of that day. They did say a few things but not much.”

Bring your questions or submit them ahead of time to the church office.

Watch your email for an invite to the call.

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