Tackle Tough Issues With Us


Class is in session

Our pastors have planned a series of online classes to answer pressing questions. When should we engage in civil disobedience? What does the bible say about racial reconciliation and gender identity? What should I do when I disagree with other Christians about important political issues?

It’s time for Summer School. Come hear the pastors engage with the bible on these topics. Bring your questions.

The titles for each class are below.

July 28
Church and State: Deciding when to submit or rebel.

August 11
Politics: Matters of wisdom, conscience, and love.

August 25
Critical Theory: Recognizing an unfamiliar world view.

We’re teaming up with Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana. All church members and regular attenders from both churches are welcome. There’s no registration or homework. We’ll send the Zoom link out to our church directories beforehand.

Contact the church office with your questions or if you aren’t sure you’re in our directory.

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