Sunday Service Refresher

We can’t wait to gather with you again this Sunday to worship our great Redeemer and King. Below are the measures we’re taking to keep our services safe and sanitary.

The service is outdoors. Keeping services outside is urged by the experts and we have a great space to do it. Outside services are safer and have no attendance cap. We're hoping to do this through the summer. Bring your sunscreen. The services go for 1-hour max.

Households are seated together. When you arrive, line up at either gate entrance to the garden maintaining a 6-foot physical distance from other households. Ushers at the gate will allow families in together to grab their chairs. Ushers in the garden will then direct you to the spot you can setup your chairs. We'll put out 100 chairs and once they're all used up, we're out of spots. If we run out of chairs, you'll be able to view the service on our livestream.

Stay in your household groups. This may be the hardest part. We're affectionate people. But we're asking you to keep physical distance from anyone not in your household. No handshakes, hugs, or high fives. Opt for air fives and air hugs instead. If you have children, they will need to stay with you. We are not offering childcare at this time.

Use our digital bulletin. Our order of service and song lyrics will be available at The page will be updated every Friday. You're welcome to print it out beforehand and bring it with you or bring an iPad so you can see the lyrics well.

Wear a mask during singing. We're not requiring attendees to wear a mask for the whole service, but we do recommend it. However, we are asking you to wear a mask while we sing. It'll only be three songs per Sunday. Young children do not need to wear masks.

Leave after the service. We know it'll be difficult not to stay and catch up with your friends. But we have to urge you out of the garden so that our Sunday teams can pack everything up and disinfect while keeping physical distance. 

Watch the live stream. It's almost painful for us to write that. We wish everyone could join us in-person. But if you're considered high-risk for the virus, please stay home and watch on our live stream. You can access it on our Facebook page. If you have young children and aren't sure they'll be able to sit with you for the 1-hour service or if you’re not ready to be in a large group gathering, there's no shame in staying home. We can continue to find creative ways for you to stay connected.

Thanks for following these as we meet! Contact the church office with any questions.

“Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!”
Psalm 34:3

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