Public Health Update And Policy

We want you to know that we are monitoring the latest developments regarding the coronavirus outbreak and have plans in place to respond if necessary.

At this time the OC Health Care Agency is not recommending that any public meetings be canceled. Their website states:

  • "Risk of infection to public in Orange County is believed to be low

  • At this time, there is no recommendation to cancel business or social events

  • All residents should practice good health hygiene which includes washing your hands, staying home if you are sick, avoiding close contact with people who are sick and covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve (not hands)."

The pastoral team has adopted a policy that outlines what measures will be put in place if the health risk level increases. Take a moment and read the policy (which is available on the constitutional documents page of our website).

For now, we encourage you to continue to engage in the life of the church as normal and to continue practicing good hygiene habits.

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