Important Church Update

On Wednesday night, the governor of California requested that all non-essential group meetings in the state be canceled to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). After deliberating as a pastoral team, praying, consulting with other leaders, and considering the recommendations of experts and officials, we have decided to cancel all church meetings until Easter Sunday, April 12th.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video below where Pastor Eric describes how we arrived at this decision and offers encouragement for ways you can respond.

We know you have questions. Begin by checking the major updates below.

All regularly scheduled church meetings are canceled until Easter Sunday.

This includes Sunday services, Sunday school, small group meetings, the chili cook off, prayer meetings, park days, and leadership team meetings. It's possible some of these will become virtual, but those details will be worked out in the coming days. Our plan to resume meetings on Easter Sunday may be altered if the guidance from government officials and experts changes.

The Women’s Mini Retreat has been moved to June 13th, 2020.

If you registered and will not be able to attend the event, please contact the church office and we can issue your refund.

The Women’s Study and Money Management Class are postponed.

We will touch base with participants to coordinate new dates.

Subscribe to our blog to stay up to date.

All updates and announcements will be published on our blog. The sign-up link is right here at the top of the page.

Continue to give to the church.

Our church relies on the generosity of its members to continue to operate. Learn more and give online.

Communicate your questions, concerns, and prayer needs with the pastors.

Contact the church office (, 949-436-5915) or contact them directly on our leaders page.

Do Sunday mornings with us from your living room.

We’ll send our blog subscribers an email on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. The email will include a brief video update from a pastor, a reflection on the importance of our life together as a church, and a link to resources for further study. We’re calling this series “Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder.” The pastors are asking all church members to continue the rhythm of setting aside Sunday mornings. We hope these will increase our anticipation for the day we’ll resume meeting in-person to sing, pray, and hear the word preached.

LatestChurch Staff