Why Christmas Eve? (Part 1)

A Weary World Needs Rejoicing

Weary is an apt description of how many of us feel. We don’t need to list the reasons why. You already know them.

Our neighbors feel it too. This year leaves many feeling as though there is nothing to celebrate. However, those who know Christ always have a song on their lips emerging from the joy in their hearts. Those who know Christ know there is always something worth celebrating: the God who bowed down to lift us to heaven.

Christ has come to us. He has saved us. We have a song to sing.

We are hosting our Christmas Eve service this year so that our city can hear the sound of our rejoicing. They need to hear it. They need to be invited into it.

Plan to join us at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 24th to add your voice to ours. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. We’ll do things safely during the pandemic by being outdoors and physically distanced.

If you’d like to help serve, contact the church office and we’ll connect you with a leader.

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