Tragedy And Our Church Partners

The Partnership of Prayer

We belong to a denomination called Sovereign Grace Churches. Over the weekend, two tragedies struck cities with our sister churches in them. Below we’ve included details and some ways you can be praying.

From Kingdom Life Church in the Bahamas:

  • Hurricane Dorian stayed north of their island but wreaked havoc on the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama with sustained winds around 185mph. The damage is extensive. Lives have been lost and an unthinkable amount of property has been destroyed. This is a gigantic humanitarian crisis.

  • Cedric, the pastor of Kingdom Life, asks that we pray God would give them wisdom for how to respond and help their country recover. Most of all, he asks that that God would provide them ways to bring the hope of the gospel to those who have suffered loss.

From Sovereign Grace Church of Midland in Midland, TX:

  • On Saturday a gunman went on a shooting rampage in the Midland-Odessa area. He killed seven people and injured over 20 more. Three of the victims were police officers. While no members of the church were injured, three of them are police officers. This affects them and their families deeply.

  • Billy, the Senior Pastor, asks that we pray for the victims and their families, for those injured that they would recover, for city officials and law enforcement to respond with wisdom, and for God to use Sovereign Grace Church to care for the practical and spiritual needs of their neighbors.

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