A Seat At The Table

A Place to Belong

Our small groups are the backbone of our community life. It's here that we grow as followers of Jesus in the stuff of everyday life. We listen to one another. We pray for one another. We offer godly counsel to one another. We meet one another's needs.

If you haven’t yet joined one, get an invite here.

7 Small Groups
14 Meetings Per Month

Our groups are led by and filled with church members. People who love Jesus and want to grow in His grace. They meet twice each month on either a Wednesday or Friday evening.

Pray for Them

What happens in these meetings is so important. We want God to be at work. Join us in praying.

Pickard Group - Orange
Sohie Group - Orange
Adam Group - Orange
Smetona Group - Orange
Servin Group - Anaheim
Card Group - Tustin
Christensen Group - Irvine

Ministries, CommunityChurch Staff