A Class For Newcomers This Sunday

The Intro Course

Guests, join us this Sunday 7/2/2019 for The Intro Course. This is the perfect next step if you want to get to know Sovereign Grace Church.

The class is led by a pastor and hosted in their home. It’s right after church from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Lunch and childcare are provided.

Should I Attend?

The Intro Course is for any and every guest of Sovereign Grace Church. Whether you've attended for 1 Sunday or 100 Sundays. Whether you're a Christian or not. Whether you want to join as a member or have no idea what membership is.

This class is for you.

It's a place to come and explore, learn, and ask questions. If you are available and want to attend click the link below right away and let us know.

Register right here.