Our Money Managers

Disciples who steward their money to be generous for God’s glory

Every year, a couple in our church leads a Money Management Class. And every year it bears wonderful fruit in the lives of those who participate.

On Sunday, we heard from Jo and Karissa Le about how the Lord met them this year. Here’s what they shared:

Not long after attending Sovereign Grace, we were encouraged by a number of people to consider the financial management class led by Les and Sue Card. We were blessed by their hospitality, wisdom, and personal experience with finances.

One of the big reminders the class impressed upon us is that God really owns everything. Psalm 24 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.” The Lord is the Creator of all things, including us, so we know that He will provide. When we understand that the things we have come from God, the way we treat money, possessions, and time spurs us to become faithful stewards. The program included a set of financial goals: pay off debt, save emergency funds, invest. All with the ultimate goal to give more, so that as we are better stewards with God’s things, we are able to give generously.

Secondly, we learned that the way we handle money reflects what we believe about God. It can show our faith, hope, or confidence as much as our fear, doubt, or worry. Looking at how we handled our finances, we were convicted to see such tangible decisions point to things we hold close in our hearts.

God gave us this opportunity at just the right time, as we embarked on one of the biggest financial decisions of our lives - the purchase of a house. The concepts we learned, such as tracking expenses, building a budget and setting an emergency fund, helped prepare us for this new season.

Not only was it a class, it was an opportunity for us to get to know and grow alongside members of the church. We lifted each other in prayer, shared struggles, and the wisdom of creative ways to set goals and accomplish them. We discovered more about how work and money fit into a correct perspective of who God is.

If you’re interested in sharpening your money management skills, submit your information here. The next class starts in the beginning of 2020. Watch our blog for more info.

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