A Summer Survey Of The New Testament

Women in the Word

Our women’s ministry leader, Kirsi Turbedsky, has organized a summer Bible reading challenge for women at Sovereign Grace. They are working through the entire New Testament tackling roughly 4 chapters per day with catch up days and Sundays off. Approximately 25 women are participating.

We asked Kirsi to share what inspired her to spearhead this:

I did the summer plan last year with 3 ladies from the church who benefited from the readings. I also personally completed the whole Bible plan from September through May. I knew that I intended to continue through the summer and had faith that it really is possible to stick with it. I know many women have expressed a desire to be more regular in their Bible reading so I wanted to invite other women to join me. Reading for the summer can feel like a more attainable goal.

You Can Still Jump In

Many of you have your own Bible reading plan, which is wonderful! There are many excellent approaches to reading Scripture available to us.

However, if you’re on the hunt for one, this is a great option. You can start today.

Check out the website with instructions for using a Bible reading app or use this printable PDF.

Here are a few encouragements as you read:

  • If you get behind, don’t feel the need to catch up. Start reading where ever you are.

  • Listening to an audio Bible is a really good option.

  • It will feel frustrating to read large chunks of Scripture and pass by all sorts of good stuff, but consider this a different style of reading where you get a big picture overview of God's Word.

  • Try a paperback consumable NT Bible you can take everywhere and write in.

  • Don't expect it to be a 'quiet' time, instead add Bible reading/listening to your regular life. Some families listen at breakfast or in the car. Make it normal to have your Bible out next to you during everyday life.

If you’re joining the challenge, let Kirsi know.

And men, if you’re feeling left out, there’s a version for you too. Consider taking your family through it together.

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