Members Meeting Recap

A Meeting That Matters

Thanks for making our Members Meeting a priority this past Sunday. We had a ton to cover: financial updates, leadership development, new policy docs, and more. You engaged in the meeting and braved the heat admirably. Thank you.

Below are a few action items for you. We want to help you be the best Sovereign Grace Church you can be.

  • Prayer Meeting. Our weekly morning prayer meeting is 6 weeks old and already bearing good fruit. For those who can, we encourage you to participate regularly. Every Tuesday morning from 6:30am-7:15am at the church offices. All the details are available here:

  • Sohie Internship. Dylan Sohie completes his 11-month internship next month. The pastoral team will provide a formal recommendation soon, but encouraged us to thank Dylan and Christy for the investment they have made in our church. The pastors reported that Dylan has proven to be a strong candidate for pastoral ministry and are committed to equipping and preparing him for a potential call to pastoral ministry. Be praying for the Sohies’ future

  • Policy Docs and Statements. The pastoral team has been working on an updated Membership Covenant along with a host of policy documents that cover issues like domestic abuse, church discipline, mandated reporting, and registered sex offenders. With situations like these, good intentions aren’t enough. We all need to be thoughtful, measured, wise, and skillful. Please take some time to review the documents on our Constitutional Documents page:

  • Church Planting. We have identified the Anaheim Colony Historic District as our most-likely next church plant site. Please begin praying for a church planter, a congregation, and the resources.

One Big Thing That Got Missed

When discussing denomination roles and staffing, the pastors missed one staff member who is making a huge difference in their ministry and in the life of our church: Anne Adam. Anne serves tirelessly in a range of roles from executive assistant to hosting/leading a small group to leading hospitality teams to scheduling volunteers to … you name it! She ends up doing all the things that nobody else can get to. She’s a servant. The pastors couldn’t do most of what they do without her help and input.

Anne, thank you for your tireless service. You are a model of one who serves by the strength that God supplies (1 Pet. 4:11).

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