Deacon Dave Is Serving In South Korea


Working for the prosperity of our sister churches in the Asia-Pacific region

Last night our very own Deacon Dave hopped on a plane to South Korea. He’s part of a team of 13 people from the US who are heading to Seoul to serve our sister church, Lord’s Grace Church, during their annual family camp.

Dave will be there for almost two weeks. Join us in praying for the following:

  • The US team would adapt, stay healthy, and serve in the strength God supplies (1 Pet. 4:11).

  • Wisdom, grace, and effectiveness as Dave and his team teach Bible lessons to children ages 5 through 13.

  • Growing relationships and friendships with the members of Lord's Grace Church.

  • That the members of Lord’s Grace Church would grow and mature and that God would use their gospel witness to save their neighbors.

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