God Is Building His Church

A big welcome to our newest church members:
Jason, Kayleigh, and Cesar

On Sunday, we welcomed new church members. This is always a joy as we get a fresh reminder that God is establishing and growing our church.

We asked Jason to share about how your ministry has had an impact on him and his family as they’ve gotten to know Sovereign Grace. Here’s what he shared:

We are very grateful to be a part of this church. We first attended last January because our friends Jeff and Taylor had found a home here. We had just left a church that we were a part of for six years, one in which we were highly involved and counted as family. This transition proved to be much more difficult than initially anticipated, but God was gracious to us in this process; he brought us here.

Our initial plan was to check out several churches in the area, searching for one that had faithful and edifying preaching, worship songs that oriented around God, people that loved Christ and were changed by his grace, and a pastor that reminded us of Charles Spurgeon. We found all of those here, and this proved to remain true over the last 15 months that we’ve been here.

We experienced a particular kindness from all of you, but more than that it was your genuineness that spoke to us and motivated us to want to be a part of the church. You welcomed us from day one, inviting us over to your homes for a meal and bringing us into your small groups. Your hospitality and kindness has meant a great deal to us.

We thank you for your patience and grace towards us during our transition, it took us quite some time for our hearts to be ready for the next step in our journey, but here we are, excited, ready to serve, and ready to grow alongside all of you. We look forward to our time as members of this local body.

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