A Strong Start To 2020

Happy New Year!

The new year is almost here. And we want to help you grow in 2020. There are a number of wonderful discipleship opportunities and we want to encourage you to join in.

Small Groups

Small groups are where meaningful discipleship takes place. It’s here where we know and are known by others. It’s here we help one another follow Jesus in the stuff of everyday life. Though we host these all year long, there’s no better time than the beginning of the year to jump in.

Sunday School

The pastors begin teaching the book of Proverbs for the four Sundays of January. Proverbs meet us at the level of everyday life. Practical help is what we’re after. Details are here. Plan to join us at 9:30am on Sundays before our service.

Money Management Class

Les and Sue Card run a class for those who want to better steward their finances. If you need a money mentor, we can’t urge you enough: sign up now!

Women’s Study

The women of Sovereign Grace are studying “Delighting in the Trinity” by Michael Reeves. This book will expand your mind and increase your love for God. Join them once per month starting in January.

Men’s Study

Our men’s study picks up the book “Conscience: What Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ” by Andy Naselli and J.D. Crowley. This book is all about calibrating our moral compasses according to Scripture. This book will be crucial to helping us maintain a peaceful life as a church. Get more details and sign up.

Morning Prayer Meeting

Every Tuesday morning from 6:30am-7:15am, a group gathers at the church offices to pray. God is hearing us. He is stretching our faith and growing our expectations of what He plans to do among us. Make this part of your weekly routine.

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