4 Reasons To Be Excited About The Members Meeting

This Sunday
Immediately following our service

Twice a year we host church member meetings. These are the pastoral team's way to equip you to be Sovereign Grace Church of Orange. They're short and sweet but packed with exciting updates and plans for the future. Members, regular attenders, and those considering making Sovereign Grace Church you’re home are welcome to attend. It's a working lunch, the pastors talk and you eat.

Here are 4 reasons to be eager for this meeting:

  1. We love one another. This isn’t a business meeting. It’s a family meeting. Our church is made up of brothers and sisters who love one another and feel the privilege of serving together. We shoulder one another’s burdens. Being there is a demonstration of our love and commitment to each other.

  2. We’re all in this together. The church is a body that has to coordinate its movements. These meetings help us do just that.

  3. We need your input. While the pastors do the lion’s share of the talking, they need you to weigh in and ask questions. Your perspective sharpens their leadership.

  4. We share one mission. God is building His kingdom right here in Orange. We want to discover what He’s doing together and faithfully participate in it as a local church.

This week, join us in praying that God would use our time on Sunday to unify us and strengthen us for the future.

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