A Hearty Welcome To Our Newest Members

“But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.”
— 1 Cor. 12:18

God saves people and then joins them to a local church — a community of brothers and sisters who labor alongside them as they follow Jesus. This past Sunday, we received two new members at Sovereign Grace Church: Natalie and Daniel. Both shared how God brought them in. Below is a brief snippet from each of them.


I visited Sovereign Grace Church of Orange about four years ago when I was visiting my extended family down here in Southern California. I remember how we were warmly greeted and also asked out for lunch by Jordan Gillstrom and David Christensen.

I remember, looking back and thinking, “The music is loud, but I could get used to it and if I were to ever attend a church other than my home church, it would be here.” Time passed and I got the opportunity to move down to OC to attend UC Irvine.

I was pleased to find the church still here and as on fire for the Lord as ever. I’m really thankful to have a church family for however long the Lord has me here.


I  didn’t come to Orange primarily looking for a church. I came to study screenwriting in a graduate program at Chapman University. My thoughts at the time were: "Yes!  Surely God is setting me up to be hired in Hollywood right after graduation!” 

Yeah right. God had some surprises in store for me. The main one had to do with Center Street. And I'm not talking about the Public Library. I'm talking about you, Sovereign Grace Church.

God has used you to show me what magnifying Christ is all about. You revel in the grace of God. I’m still learning how, and that’s why I’m here.

Amen! Praise God for building His church here in Orange.

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