Let's Make Memories With Our First Kids' Choir

On Sunday 12/22/2019, we are pulling together a kids’ choir. They’ll be singing a Christmas carol during our Sunday service.

Not only is this sure to be adorable, but it’ll be formative for the kids. As they sing the truths of the gospel, God will be presenting His Son to them. Check out this video to hear a story of how a Children’s Choir has had an effect on one local church.

Here’s who we’re looking for:

  • Kids ages 4-10 willing to sing

  • With parents who will work on the song with them at home and in the car

  • Who can attend a brief rehearsal on Saturday 12/21

  • And sing with the choir on Sunday 12/22

If that’s your kid, then email Alie and she’ll get you on the list.

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