Every Sorrow Healed

Grab Your Tissues

This song makes Pastor Dustin misty-eyed.

Anticipation is part of the Christian life. We have seen God work. But we are also waiting to see Him finish what He’s begun. We long for that day with deep and persistent anticipation.

This Sunday we will sing a new song to foster that sense of longing in our hearts. Listen above and come ready to join in with us.


Verse 1
Though the dark is overwhelming
And the brightest lights grow dim
Though the Word of God
Is trampled on by foolish men
Though the wicked never stumble
And abound in every place
We will all be humbled when we see Your face

Verse 2
And the demons we've been fighting
Those without and those within
Will be underneath our feet
To never rise again
All our sins will be behind us
Through the blood of Christ erased
And we'll taste Your kindness when we see Your face

We will see, we will know
Like we've never known before
We'll be found, we'll be home
We'll be Yours forevermore

Verse 3
All the waiting will be over
Every sorrow will be healed
All the dreams it seemed
Could never be will all be real
And You'll gather us together
In Your arms of endless grace
As Your Bride forever when we see Your face

And You'll gather us together
In your arms of endless grace
As Your Bride forever when we see Your face

Church Staff