Roger's Testimony

On Sunday we announced that Roger Servin is stepping out of the rotation as a worship leader. Roger is to be commended for his years of faithful service to us. His leadership has shaped the singing culture of our church.

We are so grateful to God for him and grateful for his willingness to make room for other worship leaders to grow. He is a model of Christlike servant-heartedness and humility that we should all seek to emulate.

And thankfully, he’s not going anywhere! Roger is one of our small group leaders. He and his family are involved all over the church. Their ministry will continue to impact our lives.

We asked Roger to share with us about his transition this past Sunday. Here is what he shared:

Good morning church! Our family has been here since January of 2010, so it will be ten years this January. When we arrived here Pastor Mike was faithfully leading worship most Saturday evenings with only his voice, a drummer and a bass player. Yes, he is that awesome.

At first I thought it was a bit odd.

I mean, I came from a big church with a band full of musicians. But that’s what you do when you’re in a young church plant with limited resources, everyone steps up to make the service happen. I was really blessed by this and quickly learned that if we were going to stick it out here we would need to step and serve as well.

It didn’t take long for Eric to ask me if I had served in any way at my previous church. I told him I had served as a worship leader and his eyes lit up. As we talked I was encouraged when he told me how blessed he was that God was answering his prayer to bring people to this church who could serve and lead in various ways. I saw God providing in this way as well, as the church was already crawling with brothers and sisters who were happy to serve. God has been so kind to bring faithful men and women all along the way!

I have been so blessed and encouraged to serve with such tremendous people. Serving on the worship team has built up my faith in many ways. I’ve seen God at work in the way they love and care for each other, how self-less they are, how hard working they are, and how gifted they are as musicians. Trust me when I say that God has been very, very good to us! It has been a great joy to serve with you all.

One of my favorite things has been watching you worship our King from up here. It makes my heart swell to see they joy on your faces as you make a joyful noise to the Lord. One thing I know is that you love Jesus, and you love to make much of Him in the way you sing! Seeing this first hand has brought me much joy and gratitude.

Remember when I said earlier that God has been faithful to bring men and women who can lead and serve? We now have 5 men in the church including myself who can lead worship. That is unheard of in a church of this size. To God be the glory!

I am thankful they are here and I’m eager to see them grow in grace as they step in to lead. It’s my joy to step away from the team so that others can be used by God in the same way I’ve been used.

Though I won’t be leading from up here I will still be singing with you from amongst you. May you always be a church who loves to sing the Gospel, for His glory and for the good of your souls.

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