Michelle's Testimony

A Hunger for God

We asked Michelle to share about the ways the Lord met her through the First Friday Fast challenge. Here’s her testimony from Sunday:

Good Morning friends!

In 2018, our church provided an opportunity to commit to fasting on the first Friday of every month, with the purpose of having a time of prayer with a specific focus. Having only fasted in the past for selfish diet-related purposes, I was intrigued by this challenge but, also a bit apprehensive. So many thoughts came to my mind before deciding to commit. Fridays are my busiest day! What would this commitment look like for me? What do I give up that would “challenge” me? Will I be able to whole heartedly commit to this for 12 months? But, as I prayerfully considered, I realized God cares about my heart commitment to him during this time and that the purpose of fasting is to take your eyes off the things of this world and to focus completely on the Lord. So, I made the decision to participate.

I am so glad I did! It certainly was a challenge, but the Lord used that special time to draw my focus onto him. With each passing month, I realized, fasting was helping me gain a new perspective and a renewed reliance upon God.  I was more intentional/focused with my thoughts and prayers. It was something I looked forward to and something I look forward to continuing.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to participate with the church in this endeavor last year, might I encourage you to prayerfully consider a time of fasting on your own. Everyone can temporarily give up something (and that will look different for everyone).  Fasting is a kind of special measure in the life of faith. Normal, everyday life is not fasting. Normal life is the regular enjoyment of the Giver through His gifts of food and drink and His many other provisions in our lives. Fasting, however, is a special mode, for focused prayer and for showing the Giver we enjoy him more than his gifts.

Church Staff