Make An Investment In Your Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful picture of the gospel. But marriage takes work. As Christians, one of the best places to grow is with other Christians who’ve been at it longer than us.

In partnership with our sister church, Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana, we are offering a 6-week course through “The Art of Marriage.” It will take place on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of February, March and April of 2019 and will be led and taught by Jim and Angie.

Here are a few more details:

  • Meetings: February 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, April 8 and 22

  • Materials: Two study booklets at a cost of $25 per couple.

  • Each couple is responsible for securing their own childcare. If childcare is a hardship, please contact the pastoral team. We’ll be happy to assist if needed.

  • Given the relational nature of this course (not simply reading through course materials), this course will be limited to the first 5 couples who register.

  • Please only register if you’re able to attend at least 5 of the 6 scheduled meetings.

My spouse and I want to get registered.

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