Matt's New Member Testimony


On Sunday we welcomed Matt and his wife, Chanelle, as members of our church. Matt shared about their experience joining Sovereign Grace. Here it is in his own words:

I first heard of Sovereign Grace when I was looking for “reformed” churches in the area. We had attended four different churches, trying to find where the Lord was calling us. The last church that we were a part of was a church plant that ended up dissolving. We knew we had to start looking for another church and Sovereign Grace was one of the churches at the top of my list. 

At our first service here we were welcomed by many of you. 

It was nice to see a few familiar faces too. The first sermon we heard here was on a topic that I had been discussing with my son and I thought, "Wow! This is something that he needs to hear." That day Chanelle said that she didn’t want to look anywhere else and that she felt that the Lord was making it clear we should stay here. 

I was a little reluctant as I wanted to make sure that we found somewhere stable that we would be well shepherded. The following week we were back, and again everyone was so friendly and welcoming and the teaching solid. Pastor Lucas and his family reached out and took time to get to know us. We met others and quickly saw that it wasn’t just the pastors that were intentional but the church as a whole.

I prayed asking the Lord for clarity and felt at liberty to stay. As we found out more about the church, everything aligned on what we searching for. Soon after we attended the parenting class (something we needed), started attending Small Group, have had counsel from Pastor Mike and his wife Lois, and have started the financial class with Les and Sue. This has all been a picture of God's providence and his tremendous grace on our family.

We feel truly blessed to be here at Sovereign Grace and look forward to serving and living life alongside you.

Well done Sovereign Grace Church. God has used your welcome of Matt and his family as a picture of Christ's welcome of us (Rom. 15:7).