We Are Hiring A Second Staff Pastor

We offered Dustin the job.

The pastoral team is pleased to inform you that we have offered Dustin a full-time, staff position. The team believes Dustin not only possesses the right skills and gifts, but is truly called by God to serve us in this role at this time. We'll keep you informed as we work out all the details.

Thanks to all who participated in this process. Your feedback, encouragements, and prayers have been very helpful. If it were not for you, we wouldn't be hiring more staff. This development is the fruit of your ministry and generosity. God is at work in and through you.

Please be sure to thank both the Smetonas and the Enges for their desire to serve us. Although we are employing Dustin, the Enges are to be honored and respected for their example of service and love for the Lord and his church. If the pastoral team learned anything during this process, it was how blessed we are to have men like Lucas leading our church.

From Pastor Eric...

This is probably the most difficult decision our pastoral team has ever made. Four volunteer pastors deciding which one of them should be compensated. Can you imagine how challenging this is?

I'm grateful to report that everyone proved up to the task. I'm so proud of them. This was a galvanizing moment as a team. We didn't decide just to hire Dustin and you are going to learn more about what we learned in the coming months. God met us. It's time to refine and focus.

I also want to commend the Enges to you. We all love them and they love us. He wanted the job because he wants to serve. And we want him to serve! Like I've said before, this process was guaranteed to disappoint. We all wish we could employ both of them.

I am convinced that hiring Dustin is going to serve the entire pastoral team. Lucas, Mike, Kyle, and I are going to bear more fruit and serve you better because Dustin will devote himself full-time to his calling as our pastor.

Please join me in praying for the Smetonas, for your pastors, and our future together. May God use us to spread the joy of Jesus to every Californian.

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