Church Member Meeting Recap

This past Sunday we held our Spring Church Member's Meeting. This is a time for members and regular attenders to be equipped to participate in the life and ministry of our congregation. We download a lot of information. The members ask questions. We go home with bellies full of our world famous Buck-O-Slice Pizza. Here are a few highlights:

Staffing Initiative

The Pastoral Team intends to employ a second full-time pastor. We have been deliberating and preparing for this for over a year and believe this is not only necessary but crucial to our mission. The target date is September 2017.

An additional staff pastor will enable us to capitalize on existing opportunities: member discipleship and care, member fellowship, newcomer assimilation, leadership development, pastoral team discipleship and care, our California mission, our global mission, etc.

An additional staff pastor will also protect us from existing vulnerabilities: an over-extended Pastoral Team, lack of current leadership development, our need for experienced pastors, and the challenges of a mostly bi-vocational eldership.

Santa Ana Church Plant

As announced during our Mission Night Santa Ana, we have shifted our strategy from “multiplying small groups” to “multiplying services.” A number of factors led to this decision: an assessment of Kyle Houlton’s strengths, the need for more participation from the Orange congregation, positioning Eric Turbedsky to participate, and a desire to intensify our investment in this mission.

  • We intend to hold weekly Sunday evening services as close to Downtown Santa Ana as possible. Please pray God would provide a suitable facility. We are praying for 50 seats, safe space for childcare, and free rent.
  • We intend to recruit volunteers to lead and serve during this service in early Fall 2017. This will be a good opportunity for many of us to grow and serve in new ways. You will not be expected to live in Santa Ana or commit to the Santa Ana church long-term to participate at this stage of the church plant.
  • The general plan is to have Kyle Houlton lead the Santa Ana services. When Eric Turbedsky preaches in Orange, he will typically also preach in Santa Ana. All other roles will be site-specific.
  • The Houlton small group will be the recommended small group for those introduced to Sovereign Grace Church via the Santa Ana service.