Happy Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day

Bethany shared this past Sunday...

I thank God for the women of this church. This room is filled with such a beautiful community of women at all different stages of life. I'm encouraged by the way they serve our church with such selflessness and sacrifice. Your hearts are filled with such love, kindness, grace and wisdom.

Christy's example has blessed me. She gives up so much of her time to help others, whether that be childcare or mentoring the youth of our church or even giving me a ride home from small group. She has pursued our friendship. I'm so grateful.

Another is Ańne. She is such a strong woman...a wife and mother of 2 who gives so much of her time to serve others. I see here working for the church, leading events, partnering with her husband as he leads a small group. Yet still taking time to speak with me on the phone, encouraging me and pointing me to the gospel. So kind.

And Geneva Enge, a wife and mother of 4. During my engagement to Israel, we had met with her to sort out details regarding our wedding. She was so kind and gentle. I see her care for her husband and children and want to be like her. Capable and generous. 

There are so many of you who have touched my life and I thank you all. Keep loving Jesus. Keep trusting Him. Keep seeking His truth. Keep ministering the gospel to women like me. and trusting in Him, seeking His truth, and to be ministers of the gospel.

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