Thanks For The Years Of Children's Ministry

Lois and Kirsi have led our Children's Ministry with grace and joy for years. We retired them this past January. This is what Sue shared during the service.

Paul uses the analogy of a human body to explain how God’s church works. In 1 Corinthians 12 he says, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you has a part in it”

There are some pretty visible members of Sovereign Grace Church. Then there are some that aren’t. I’m thinking of two women in particular, Kirsi and Lois. They wear many hats but most of you would know them as the wives of our pastors Eric and Mike. I don’t remember if I’ve ever seen Kirsi and Lois up here. We might not ever see them up here. Except for today.

Here are just a few of many behind-the-scenes ways that they serve:

Have you ever wondered where those of us go for Christmas when we don’t have anywhere to go? Usually it’s Kirsi’s house.

Have you noticed there’s a steady stream of game nights, movie nights, and going away parties and fun and fellowship in general? Usually it happens at Lois’s house.

Have you noticed how freely and joyfully our pastors are able to serve us? Part of that is their wives are behind the scenes running loving, orderly, and peaceful homes.

Have you noticed that our Childrens’ ministry has been running smoothly for years? That’s Kirsi and Lois and their team of dedicated teachers.

Lois and Kirsi are filled love for the people of this church, particularly the women and children. They ask gentle questions. They speak the gospel to us. They cry with us and rejoice with us.

Today we celebrate their long and faithful years of overseeing our Children's ministry. Children's ministry can be challenging in a small church plant. There’s the challenge of finding just the right people to teach and care for the children. There are the challenges of selecting curriculum, establishing safe procedures, and all the troubleshooting. Kirsi and Lois have been our pioneers and have done all that and more.

Most important, they have created a context where our children are learning about Jesus and our little ones are being cared for with the love of Jesus. Each of them took on this assignment in faith, knowing she wasn’t strong enough to do it on her own. However, God’s grace is beyond abundant and his grace is being displayed every week out in that garden. Thank you Lois and Kirsi.