Women's Retreat Testimony

Michelle shared the following about our recent Women's Retreat...

I must admit, I had a few reservations about going on our Women's Retreat. As a wife and mother of four, I have many responsibilities and weekends are busy. However, my amazing husband Mark took care of everything. He even braided my oldest daughter’s hair!

I was also worried about the sleeping arrangements. I snore loudly and the last thing I wanted was to scare away my friends (and the wildlife). I was so grateful to the women leading the retreat. They reminded me that our friendships are bigger than my snoring and even found me a private room. They were so gracious. 

As the retreat began and Judy Farley started to teach, God met me. I had been struggling with a relationship and as we we considered Jesus as the "forgiving king", I was convicted. I saw myself as the unforgiving servant who had been forgiven much. My perspective changed and at that moment I repented. God was so gracious. I sensed a new peace I can't describe.

Thanks to everyone who made this retreat possible. This weekend will hold a very special place in my heart. It truly was a blessing to eat, worship, learn, cry, encourage, play games, laugh and bond in a new special way. Thank you!

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