Make The Woman's Retreat A Family Priority

Rebecca and Christopher shared last Sunday.


Last year I had the privilege of attending our church's ladies retreat. I'm a mother of young children. There's never an easy time to get away. However, Christopher encouraged me to go and in God's kindness the timing was right.
I was going through a difficult situation and many of the ladies, especially some with more life experience, ministered to me. They prayed for me and even followed up after the retreat.
Retreats give us time to spend encouraging one another towards love and good works. Life is busy. I'm usually racing out of the meeting to care for my children. Please join us so we can take time to strengthen our faith together.


Married guys. Here's the deal. Full disclosure...I don't remember last year's retreat. I have no idea when it was or what they ladies talked about. What I do remember is my wife telling me how glad she was she went. She'll give you all sorts of excuses. It's hard to leave.
Your job is to make her go.
Your wife needs to get away from time to time. Convince her, she'll be glad you did. And so will you.