Santa Ana - Spanish Resources Available Every Service

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The leaders and members serving at Sovereign Grace Santa Ana want to be a blessing in their neighborhood. Our neighborhood is full of people who speak english. It's also full of people who speak Spanish. We want to serve both. So, if you or whomever you're considering inviting to SGSA speaks Spanish as their first language, we have resources available to make the best of their visit. Every service, we will have:

  • Spanish Bibles - (Versión La Biblia De Las Americas)
  • Spanish Sermon Outlines - (Perfil de Predicaciónes)
  • Spanish Segments within the service - (A veces habra canciones, anuncios y otras partes para servirte)

We don't want to be a church defined by what language we speak. We will be a church defined by the Savior who has loved us - Jesus. 

Latest, Santa AnaKyle Houlton