Eve in Exile - Book Recommendation


God shapes us through reading. First and foremost through the Bible, but also through the writings of other godly men and women. Eve in Exile by Rebekah MerkleEve in Exile by Rebekah Merkle is one of the books the Pastoral Team has recommended for our 2017 Reading Challenge. Here is what Kirsi had to say: 

Straight-forward, intellectual, and thought provoking, Merkle seeks to define biblical womanhood and discusses how to live it out. She touches on bad definitions, gives a history of feminism, and gets specific in describing the beauty, challenge, value, and vast scope of a woman's work for 'her people' and her home.  Her book provided quite a few 'Aha!' moments, as well as refreshed and envisioned me for my role as a woman. I highly recommend this one! 

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