James And Meredith Are Moving To Orange

Remember that guy who preached a few weeks ago?

James and his family have decided to relocate to Orange, join our church, and partner with us as we labor to reach more Californians with the gospel. Wow!

Please pray James would find suitable employment ASAP. They are also looking for housing in Old Towne Orange. You can look him up here if you have any leads. They hope to be with us by the middle of August. We'll provide more details this Sunday morning.

From James...

"The powerful presence of God, at work within a church and its community, is very attractive. Having experienced Sovereign Grace Church firsthand, we cannot help but say, "God is in this place! And, we want to be a part of it!" So, we are eager to join you as soon as possible. Although we don't know what the future holds exactly, we are confident that God will provide. Even now, we are reminded of Jesus' words in Luke 9: “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." We have been called. Therefore, we will go, and won't look back. Thankfully, we do not travel alone. Thank you so very much for your support in this endeavor. We look forward to seeing you face-to-face! James, Meredith, Eden, and Joelle"


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