Theology That Sings

Any theology that does not lead to song is, at a fundamental level, a flawed theology. -J.I. Packer

We love singing because we love God. We love God because He first loved us and gave up His Son for us.

Come ready to sing a new song with us this Sunday! Listen above or navigate here to download:

Nothing In All The Earth
VERSE 1   
What shall separate us from Your love?
Can years of sorrow break eternal bonds?
Can condemnation ever raise its voice
Against the pardon of the blood of Christ?    
Though our journey here is long
This will be our triumph song

Nothing in all the earth
Not any height above
Could ever tear us from Your everlasting love Nothing in all the earth
Not any height above
Could ever tear us from Your everlasting love
VERSE 2   
What shall separate us from Your love?
For now the sting of death is overcome
And all the powers of this world must fall
Before Your feet because You rule them all
And though our journey here is long
This shall be our triumph song

Nothing in all the earth
Could ever tear us from
Your everlasting love

SundaysDustin Smetona