Learning From A Book About Christian Living

Rebecca is one of many people who accepted our challenge to read 12 books in 12 months. In January, she read Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges. This is her report...

Yeah! I did it! I finished the book today.

I am thankful for this challenge since I am not a reader and this is helping me become one.

My favorite lines from this book were when the author explained the reason why we should rejoice in our trials...

"It is not the adversity considered in itself that is to be the ground of our joy. Rather, it is the expectation of the results, the development of our character, that should cause us to rejoice in adversity........He does tell us to rejoice because we believe He is in control of those circumstances (trials) and is at work through them for our ultimate good." 

The Christian life is intended to be one of continuous growth.