Give To Our Video Campaign

We will watch Star Wars.

A few weeks ago we announced plans to purchase new video projection equipment. Pastor Eric said, "It'd probably be helpful going forward if we could actually see the words to the songs. We may be intentionally plain and simple, but let's not make the lyrics invisible." Then we hit rewind.

Now we are ready to finish what we started. Please pray and consider giving to this project. We need $2000 to complete a projection system that will meet our needs for the indefinite future.

  • New Rear Projection Screen
  • Refurbished iMac Computer
  • ProPresenter Media Projection Software

As soon as we reach our fundraising goal, we will stop receiving donations and announce the date of our Star Wars Celebration. Thank you for being so generous. Thank you to all those who keep asking "What do we need?" Your financial sacrifices are bearing good fruit in us and our city.

Click here to give here online now.

Or give during the Sunday offering (write "video" in the memo).