We Love Sovereign Grace Church of Aurora

Pastor Eric preached at our sister church in Aurora, CO this past Sunday. Here's his report...

You would have loved meeting the church in Aurora. These guys love Jesus. Many of them have been with the church for years. I even bumped into a family I hadn't seen since early on in the life of a sister church in San Diego. It was a real privilege to worship and serve alongside this congregation.

We are stronger because of our relationship to them.

One of the highlights of my trip was administering oral examinations for Pastoral Candidates. Men had flown in from all over the Western U.S., but two of them were home grown Aurora guys. And while their test scores are still private, the grace of God at work in them is not.

I met two men who want to serve.

Be encouraged. God is giving our little denomination gifted men and women we can partner with in the gospel. May our congregations be cities on a hill, shining forth God's glory and his gospel throughout Colorado, Arizona, and California!

P.S. What about Nevada?! This trip was the first time I realized there is a big hole in our little world :)

Miscellaneous, SundaysChurch Staff