You Need To Register For These
The summer is over and it's time to get to busy. Here are a few opportunities this Fall that you need to register for ASAP.
Newcomers Class
The Starting Point Class is a great place to get to know us better. Twice a year, our pastors lead a series of 5 discussions covering everything from our theological distinctives to our ministry philosophies. Every church member is required to take the course, but there is no pressure to join the church after doing so. The next class begins September 14, 2014.
Learn more, ask questions, and register here.
Men's Group
Theology on Tap is our once-a-month theological discussion designed to challenge men to think, learn, listen, and speak with grace and love. We want to be men who know what we believe and why we believe it...and to do all this all in the context of the local church.
Learn more and register ASAP. The next meeting is September 10, 2014.
Preachers Club
The Preachers Club is a once-a-month workshop designed to equip church members to proclaim the Word of God. Granted some may preach the gospel better, but nobody preaches a better gospel. Interested? We use Bryan Chapell's Christ-Centered Preaching as our textbook.