Kristin's Story of Transforming Grace

I thought I had a pretty good understanding of what a good Christian life looked like. My relationship with God functioned a bit like Cinderella’s relationship to her evil step-mother. If I wanted His blessings, I had to meet His list of demands.

Read my bible.


Don’t kiss boys.

The concept of grace was foreign to me in the beginning. How could God love me if I didn’t complete His checklist? But as I wrestled with this, I began to see that it wasn’t my performance which makes me righteous, but Christ’s righteousness and sacrifice. My debt had already been canceled when I first believed. I was free. I could rest in the grace I’d already received and in which I stand.

I’m a recovering legalist.

Today I still struggle to live in the freedom of God’s unconditional love. And this means I still need friends and a church that preaches grace. I still need to hear the good news over and over again and I need to observe it’s power at work in the lives of others.

That's why I'm so grateful for you, Sovereign Grace. Thanks for sharing your life with God with me. I know about God's love better because of our love for one another. I hope you can say the same.

May we continue to be a gospel-saturated community and may our grip on grace influence others who struggle with the same.