#WGW14 Sunday In Old Towne Orange

Every Sunday is about Jesus.

We don’t deviate very often from the simple format of Word and song led by the members of church. Every week. Always Jesus. As many members of our congregation involved as possible. Our service is plain (by design) and the attraction is God, not us.

This Sunday is about Jesus.

What’s unusual about this week at Sovereign Grace is all the friends who will come to serve and encourage us about Jesus. You can expect out of town guests staying over from the Worship God Conference. You can expect members of other Sovereign Grace Churches. You can expect locals wanting to learn more about us. And in particular, you can expect:

  1. Coffee and Donuts - Come early and enjoy fellowship together. Sunday School is canceled and we are feeding you donuts. Hallelujah.
  2. Bob Kauflin from Sovereign Grace Music and worshipmatters.com - Bob Kauflin will be preaching from Psalm 96 and  “Worship as the Motivation for Missions.”
  3. Matt Boswell and Band - Matt Bowswell from Providence Church, The Gospel Coalition, and doxologyandtheology.com will be leading us in worship.
Events, SundaysChurch Staff