What I Learned On Tour

I can’t tell you how much I miss you guys! Thanks for caring so deeply for my family. Your love is life giving. I've been gone too long.

And thanks to David, Dylan, and Nate who shot me texts here and there. They arrived just in time…like while I was in a van, staring at giant confederate flags, exhausted from night of low ticket sales and an unhappy promoter. You guys made me smile. 

I’m grateful that my travels allow me to see the body of Christ in macro. I’ve met awesome believers doing incredible things for the kingdom. We’ve had wonderful devotions and fellowship in the tour van and often stream Pastor Eric's messages. It’s awesome.

My tour.

I’ve just returned home from my first headliner tour, promoting my latest album Crimson Cord. I hadn’t done this before and it was risky. The idea came from time with Bob Goff (he’s incredible). Last year he challenged Alma and I to hunt down complacency in all areas of our lives. Our walk with Christ, our relationships, and our careers. He told us everyone needs a mountain to conquer. A mountain that will force you to lean deeper into the Lord and His faithfulness. He said “Find a mountain. If you can’t find one, make one.”

My mountain.

I knew right away that I needed to book my own tour, but I was scared. When you’re the headliner and you don’t sell tickets, you don’t make money. And if you don’t make money because no one is buying, you don’t have fans. And then I’d have to question what have I been doing with the last 2 years of my life. The Crimson Cord Tour would be my mountain.

So I arranged a 7 city tour and now I’m back. It’s almost finished. LA and Phoenix are all that’s left. Unfortunately, the turnout has been mediocre. Jacksonville and Orlando were packed out. Nashville was good. Dallas, Little Rock, and Houston not so good. It’s going to be hard just to break even financially.

My real mountain.

You know what I’ve learned? I place my value as a person in my platform. If no one comes to my shows, then I act as if I’ve failed as a man. This tour taught me that no amount of ticket sales would satisfy me. It’s all vanity, grasping at the wind. I’ve made an idol out of my ministry.

My mountain wasn’t booking a tour. My mountain was conquering my craving for man’s approval. I’ve been seeking outside validation from people who can’t please me enough. Who can’t ultimately settle once and for all my value as a man or an artist. People I’m called to love, not necessarily be loved by.

I’ve learned I have a Father who purchased me with His Son’s life. What further approval do I need?

StoriesEric Turbedsky