Help Us Find Our Next Deacons

Praise God for His power to save and reconcile us to Himself and one another. We see God at work among our church and city and we are encouraged. Can we get an amen?!

Deacon Nominations

Now seems like the right time to establish a Deaconate Ministry. We won't know for sure until that first deacon is ordained, but we're definitely experiencing the signs of a church in need of a deacon or two. To this end, our pastors have asked all church members to engage in a process that should take 4-6 months. It's not a contest and we won't be taking a vote. However, we believe God will use the entire body to identify and support our future deacons.

Here are four things you can do:

  1. Review our Deaconate Ministry Paper. It explains the qualifications of a deacon and the process of selecting and ordaining one.
  2. Review this article and sermon on the purposes of deacons. This explains why we should want deacons and the difference they would make in our church community.
  3. Pray for wisdom. As we progress, we'll provide you with more specifics. For now, we need men who agree to be assessed.
  4. Fill out the form below. You must be a church member and you are welcome to submit more than one name. Please keep in mind that this is not an election and your nomination is a recommendation, not a vote. All submissions will be kept confidential (pastors only).