Volunteer At Worship God


Yep, we get to do this again! We have a great opportunity to serve the church at large by volunteering at Worship God 2014.  This conference blesses and reaches hundreds of churches and thousands of Christians, and we have a chance to help make this happen. 

The volunteers will be able to attend the conference during their serving time slot(s), and during an additional time slot. So, if you serve Thursday Morning, you can attend that sessions plus the Thursday PM sessions. We are excited for this opportunity to serve and be served at Worship God 2014.

We will need people to help with Registration, Greeting, Help Desk, and the Bookstore. 

Who Can Sing Up

  • Those 18 and older (if you would like to bring your kids to serve that's great, but they do not need to sign up)
  • Members and Regular Attenders at Sovereign Grace Church OC
  • If you are not at Sovereign Grace Church OC please email the church office to volunteer

Where Are Sign Ups

To sign up, click on this link and select the days and time slots you would like to serve. Use your name and have an email address ready. After you sign up we will follow up with you when we can to see where you would like to serve.