Punk Rock Testimony


Last Sunday Chris shared the story of his life before and after he became a christian. And although his transformation over the years is dramatic, the pictures don't do it justice.

The Chris we know and love is still the punk rocker from OC, but his heart and soul is barely recognizable.

He is a new creation.

This is a powerful reminder of how unhelpful it is to size up your friends and family and try to guess who would be more receptive to the message of forgiveness through Jesus. You just can do it. Try and you may overlook guys like Chris.

As J.I. Packer has written, "You and I will never write off anyone as hopeless and beyond the reach of God if we believe in the sovereignty of his grace."

A friend of sinners.

Chris said that it was a friend who shared the gospel with him over the years. He was faithful to speak and God was powerful to save.

May God rid us of our prejudices and give us the courage to speak. May God fill our church with the unlikely ones.

Stories, SundaysChurch Staff