Year End Giving And The Gospel

Friends of Sovereign Grace Orange.

With each passing year, our ambition to reach Orange County with the gospel only grows. It's no longer a theoretical exercise. God has planted us here and our mission has become very personal.

We love the people.

Many of you have partnered with us financially in the past and we want you to know that God has used your generosity to add new voices to ours. More people are singing songs of salvation. More people are following Jesus. We are firmly rooted in Old Towne Orange and enjoying our life together. Thank you.

Our mission is both local and citywide.

Yet our church has never really been about "our" church. We desire to be a church that plants churches...that plants churches. This is who we are. A part of something bigger than us, because Orange County isn't a one church town. It's a web of small communities in need of neighborhood churches.

As 2014 comes to a close, would you consider a one-time, financial gift to Sovereign Grace Orange? Your gift now would influence our plans for 2015 and beyond.


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