Making Music(ians)

Do you hear the people sing?

It's impossible to overstate the importance of singing for God's people. They've been doing it since the dawn of time and will do it for ages uncounted - all in response to God's glory and grace.

Being a musician in our church is a delight. There's nothing more rewarding then leading people in song who love to sing. And Sovereign Grace Church loves to sing!

We want to make music. More than that, we want to make musicians.

Our aim on the worship team is to make musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they offer their talents to bring God glory and build His church. Musicians who get more joy from hearing God's people sing than from performing. If you are a musician and would like to join us in this ambition, then read on.

For those of you with musical talent, we want to hear from you.

If you are a member or a regular attender pursuing membership, fill out the form below and we will be in touch about having you audition for the team. The commitment is for 1 year beginning in February.

Dustin Smetona