God Is Saving People In Nashville

From Pastor Eric...

I wish I could have brought you all (or y'all) with me last Saturday. Sometimes it's helpful just to step outside your own zip code. I spent the weekend with our sister church in Nashville, TN.

Redeeming Grace Church

They celebrated their one year anniversary two weekends ago and this past Saturday night they baptized their first new Christian, Hunter. I can't tell you what an honor it was to stand in what felt like the middle of nowhere (the church is outside the city of Franklin...which is outside the city of Nashville...which is in Tennessee...which is beautiful) and celebrate the liberating power of the gospel with these good people.

They love Jesus. They love their church. They love the lost and they are laying it all on the line to see God save their neighbors. You and Redeeming Grace are cut from the same cloth.

Thanks for sending me.

StoriesChurch Staff