Please Pray For Our Pastors This Week

"Pray for us...we long to be useful both to saints and sinners."

Our pastors are on the road this week. Mike Davis has taken vacation to attend the SGC Pastors Conference (thank you Mike). Pray for him as he's away from his family and his responsibilities here. Pray he would be refreshed. Pray he would be an encouragement to our partners in ministry. Pray he would be equipped to lead and care for us.

Eric Turbedsky is also headed out. However, he's leaving a day earlier to participate in an SGC Council of Elders session, attend the Pastors Conference, and then stay over the weekend to greet and preach at our sister church located in Nashville, TN.

Redeeming Grace Church

Please pray this would be an encouraging time of fellowship with our friends in ministry. Pray that Eric can identify fresh ways for us to contribute to our shared mission. Pray for his time with Kirsi (his wife) and Mike and all the others traveling with them this week.

Oh, and pray for Jim and Angie Cunningham as they manage the Turbedsky children this week. They couldn't go without their help :)

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